News from IVF und ICSI
Some big milestones are already behind us - 1978 the first IVF, 1980-1985 introduction of stimulation of the ovaries and their preparation with GnRH analogues, 1992 the first ICSI. Today, the challenge is to optimize IVF treatment and to organize it in an even more patient-friendly fashion. To this purpose, the ovaries are stimulated less, and less embryos are being transferred.
By the way, all milestones and modern tendencies mentioned have been achieved and developed in merry old Europe. European reproductive medicine and its mouthpiece «Human Reproduction» truly need not to hide their lights under a bushel.
In this chapter we report innovations introduced by our medical and biological team in order to stay at the cutting edge. We transform intensive continuing education of doctor and biologists into real advantages for couples with fertility problems.